Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2 down...

and I don't know how many to go. Yesterday, Dec. 7, marked the two year anniversary of my Multiple Myeloma diagnosis. It has indeed been an eventful two years. Since my diagnosis I have undergone several rounds of chemotherapy, an autologous stem cell transplant, remission and relapse, and more chemotherapy. Now I find myself in a literal life and death struggle with my insurance provider.
My best option for further treatment is an allogeneic stem cell transplant, with stem cells provided by my younger sister.
I know the statistics, I've read the literature, I understand the life expectancy of a person with this disease. Even knowing all of this, even in the face of the insurance company's intransigence, I still have hope, I still believe. I believe that I will be fine no matter what happens. I heard a great sermon this morning about unloading all of your baggage by giving it to God. I have tried over these past two years, not always succesfully, to give the baggage that is MM to God. Today I renew that commitment. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife, a great family, and better friends than I deserve, all of whom have been on this road with me. When I was diagnosed, I wasn't sure I would be around to write this. Now I look forward to posting on the 20th anniversary of this date, and the 30th. Will I be able to do that? I don't know, but I do know that with God's help and the support of my family, my friends, and all of you, the journey, how ever long, will be a great ride.
Deacon John
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Dec. 8, 2009
St. Peregrine, Pray for Us
Blessed John XXIII, Pray for Us

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